Joining & Rates

The Oregon State Flying Club is a nonprofit organization committed to providing safe and inexpensive flying.

Membership Eligibility for OSFC, Inc.

Membership Eligibility in the Oregon State Flying Club falls into to one of three categories.

  • Category 1 is Current students (as defined in the OSFC Board Resolutions) of Oregon State University, Linn-Benton Community College, or Linn-Benton county high schools.
  • Category 2 is staff, faculty, retired employees, and alumni of Oregon State University and Linn-Benton Community College; spouses, domestic partners, parents and children of the aforementioned.
  • Category 3 is anyone not meeting Category 1 or 2 criteria.

How to Join

To join, fill out the Member Application then schedule a time to meet with board member Bob Parrott to go over how the Club works, Club rules and to complete the necessary paperwork.

What to bring to the meeting:

  • Proof-of-eligibility (class schedule, transcripts, staff ID, etc.)
  • Drivers License
  • Check or credit card for joining costs (outlined below)
  • FAA Certificates & Medical (if you are a current pilot)

Joining Costs: initation fee plus first month's dues.

  • Initiation fees: catagories outlined above
    • Category 1: $250
    • Category 2: $500
    • Category 3: $1000
  • $44 for first month's dues

Monthly Membership Dues

As a member there are monthly membership dues of $44 that cover fixed costs like insurance. If you do not plan on flying for a three month period or more during membership, this can be reduced to $20 per month by becoming an inactive member.

Club Aircraft

The Club currently owns three aircraft based at Corvallis Airport that are rented at operational cost.

  • 1976 Cessna 172M, 4 seat - instrument equipped
  • 1997 Cessna 172R Turbo Diesel, 4 seat - instrument equipped
  • 2005 Cessna 172SP, 4 seat - instrument equipped with G1000 glass panel

Club Aircraft Hourly (Hobbs) Rates

The rates below are wet.

  • Cessna 172M: $150/hr
  • Cessna 172R: $170/hr
  • Cessna 172SP: $185/hr

These rates assume fuel is purchased at the cheapest price available at the Corvallis airport. Members who purchase more expensive fuel are charged the cost difference, while members who purchase cheaper fuel are reimbursed the cost difference.

Flight Instruction

As a member you can receive instruction in OSFC aircraft from the Club's approved flight instructors.